University of Reading Graduate Institute of International Development, Agriculture and Economics (GIIDAE) Scholarships 2019/2020
Thinking about doing a Masters? The Graduate Institute of International Development, Agriculture and Economics (GIIDAE) has a diverse range of scholarships available, both those offered by the School; by the University; and by organisations outside of the University. These are offered to enable students to pursue their studies here at Reading.
Giidae Scholarships
The Graduate Institute of International Development, Agriculture and Economics (GIIDAE) now has £260,000 worth of Scholarship funding available for 2019-20 academic year to students world-wide. Our GIIDAE scholarships offer funding to assist students in their studies as they pursue a variety of careers that encompass numerous global challenges such as: food production, security, and health; sustainability of agro-ecosystems; climate change, animal welfare and behaviour; poverty alleviation; social development, international development; consumer behaviour and choice.
We will consider applications of all eligible applicants. The application and award period starts on November 8th 2018 and ends on either April 23rd 2019 or May 7th 2019 (dependent on award), but you should apply as soon as possible as applications will be assessed and awarded to eligible students as they are received.
Hundreds of students are competing for a limited number of awards that are subject to availability. If the funding is all allocated before May 7th 2019, we will post a notice to this effect on our website and through our social media accounts.
GIIDAE Scholarships Eligibility
- International fee-paying offer holder on any of the GIIDAE degrees.
- This scholarship is based on academic merit.
- Applications for all of the GIIDAE Scholarships will be assessed upon receipt of the individual applications, with a turnaround of approximately three weeks.
How to Apply for GIIDAE Scholarships
Visit the Giidae Scholarships.
Application Deadline: 7th May 2019