IBBU Admission Portal – portals.ibbu.edu.ng
The Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida Lappai, IBBU Admission Portal | IBBU Online Application Portal is Open for Admission Application, Admission List, and other Admission Related Matters… portals.ibbu.edu.ng.

http://portals.ibbu.edu.ng: The Authority of the Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida Lappai (IBBUL) has enabled the admission portal. The IBBU Online Application Portal is created for prospective students of the Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida Lappai to effect Admission Applications, Check Admission Status, Check Admission Requirements, Check Post-UTME Results, Check Cut Off Mark and Admission Registration.
You can visit and Access the IBBUL Application Portal using a computer or mobile via the following link:
- IBBU Manin Website: http://ibbu.edu.ng/
- IBBUL Undergraduate Registration Portal: http://portals.ibbu.edu.ng/ugreg
- IBBU Students Portal: http://portals.ibbu.edu.ng
- IBBU Undergraduate Admission Status: http://portals.ibbu.edu.ng/ugreg/?q=admchecking2
- IBBU Admission Letter: http://portals.ibbu.edu.ng
- IBBU Undergraduate Registration Portal: http://portals.ibbu.edu.ng/ugreg
- IBBU Postgraduate Admission Status: http://portals.ibbu.edu.ng/pgreg/?q=admchecking2
- IBBU Postgraduate Application Portal: http://portals.ibbu.edu.ng/pgapp/
- IBBU Postgraduate Registration Portal: http://portals.ibbu.edu.ng/pgreg
- IBBU UTME Result Checking Portal: http://portals.ibbu.edu.ng/utmederesult