UNILORIN Post Utme Subject Combinations for UNILORIN Post-UTME Screening
UNILORIN Post Utme Subject Combinations… We have continued to get questions from prospective candidates regarding the subject combinations for the University of Ilorin, UNILORIN post utme subject combinations for the forthcoming post-utme exams. Some of them have asked questions like; What is post utme subjects for Medicine, Psychology, Biochemistry, History, Medicine and Surgery, Law, Linguistics, Yoruba in the University of Ilorin? What subjects will I write for UNILORIN Post UTME Screening Exams?

Many students think that they will write the same subject combinations they wrote in their JAMB. Sometimes that is not always the case.
UNILORIN Post Utme Subject Combinations.
For candidates taking part in the University of Ilorin post UTME screening exercise, CLICK HERE to see the subject combinations before filling your Post-UTME form.