OOU Academic Calendar for 2nd Semester 2020/2021

OOU Matriculation Ceremony Date 2020/2021

Olabisi Onabanjo University, OOU matriculation ceremony date for the 2020/2021 academic session newly admitted students has been announced.

The management of the Olabisi Onabanjo University (OOU) has approved a new date for the 2020/2021 academic session Matriculation ceremony for fresh students.

OOU Matriculation Ceremony.

The 2020/2021 Matriculation Ceremony for all Fresh Students has been scheduled for Friday, 30th July 2021. However, in view of the COVID-19 Pandemic and the need to observe all protocols, a specific number of Freshmen have been allocated to represent each Faculty PHYSICALLY (inside the Hall) at the Ceremony while all other Freshmen will attend/monitor the proceedings ONLINE. The approved number of Freshmen to be allowed into the hall is attached for your attention.

In view of the above, all Faculty Officers are expected to collect Academic Gowns for their Fresh Students from the Directorate of Students’ Affairs from Monday, 26th July 2021.

To this end, each Fresh Student is expected to make online payment of the sum of One Thousand Naira (#1,000.00) and obtain a Receipt for the collection of the Academic Gown at their various Colleges/Faculties

Only Freshmen who are robed and with appropriate face masks will be allowed into the venue of the Ceremony. All other fresh students who are unable to enter the Matriculation Hall can monitor the proceedings online via the University’s YouTube Channel, Facebook, and other media to be announced

After the Matriculation Ceremony, each Faculty shall be required to return the following to the Directorate of Students Affairs on or before Monday, 2nd August 2021:

  • All the Academic Gowns collected
  • Comprehensive list of students who collected the Academic Gowns
  • Original copies of the Receipts as evidence of payment made by the students

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