Kaduna Polytechnic Post UTME Screening Form 2020/2021 | [ND, NCE & Degree]
Kaduna Polytechnic (KADPOLY) Post UTME admission screening form for the 2020/2021 academic session has been released.
This is to inform all candidates who applied for National Diploma (ND), NCE and B.Ed (Tech)/B.Sc Programmes in the 2020 JAMB admission and chose Kaduna Polytechnic as the FIRST CHOICE with the following UTME scores, are hereby requested to pay and register for the POST UTME screening exercise.
Kaduna Polytechnic Post UTME Eligibility.
- The Post UTME Screening is for those that had the following scores in the 2019 (UTME)
- 120 and above for ND Programmes
- 100 and above for NCE Programmes
- 180 and above for B.Ed (Tech) programmes in affiliation with Federal University of Technology, Minna,
- 180 and above for BSc in the following programmes in affiliation with Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria:
- Architecture
- Building
- Urban & Regional Planning
- Chemical Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Electrical/Electronics Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Such candidates must have indicated Kaduna Polytechnic as their First Choice Institution
- Candidates that indicated interests in Kaduna Polytechnic as their 2nd Choice and 3rd Choice are advised to change to First Choice.
How to Apply for Kaduna Polytechnic Post UTME.
Candidates within Kaduna Metropolis can come to Kaduna Polytechnic ICT Centre for ease of on-line Registration, subject to the payment of N2,000.00 (Two Thousand Naira Only) as directed by JAMB. The payment is to be made through KadPoly website at KadPoly Microfinance Bank or any Commercial bank upon presentation of Remitta generated from the site.
How to Make Payment:
- Visit www.kadunapolytechnic.edu.ng
- Goto the Portals menu and select “Payment Portal”
- Generate your SPIN by selecting “Get your SPIN” from the “Payment Portal” and filling the SPIN Form.
- Generate your Remita Retrieval Reference (RRR) by selecting “New Payment” from the “Payment Portal” using your SPIN and choosing “Post UTME fee”.
- You could use any Online payment Channel or visit any bank to pay using the RRR.
How to Print Payment Receipt:
- Visit www.kadunapolytechnic.edu.ng
- Goto the Portals menu and select “SPINPortal ®”
- Login into the portal using your SPIN as User ID
- Use the SPIN again as your password.
- You may wish to change the password after login in.
- Print your Payment Receipt from the” SPINPortal ®”
How to Fill KADPoly Post UTME form:
- Visit www.kadunapolytechnic.edu.ng
- Goto the Portals menu and select “Post UTME Screening Portal”
- Follow the instructions and the steps on the page to fill your online screening form.
Only candidates that participate in the Screening Exercise will be considered for admission into Kaduna Polytechnic.
The Screening Exercise commences on 4th July 2019.
Candidates who applied for admission are STRONGLY advised to upload their SSCE/NECO/NABTEB results to JAMB website (CAPS), at any nearest JAMB Accredited CBT Centre. Failure to do so would deny candidates admission.
For further enquiries, contact us through info@Kadunapolytechnic.edu.ng or call the following phone number: 08180599505.