BSU Postgraduate Admission Form 2019/2020

BSUM Postgraduate Programmes & Requirements

Benue State University, BSU postgraduate programmes available for admission. This is the full list of postgraduate programmes/courses available at Benue State University, Makurdi, (BSU) school of postgraduate studies for admission. Prospective postgraduate students should see list below.

BSUM Postgraduate Programmes


  1. Department of Languages and Linguistics

M.A. Linguistics                                                 –           Full-time

M.A. French                                                       –           Full-time

PhD Linguistics                                                   –           Full-time

PhD French                                                      –           Full-time

b.    Department of English

M.A. Literature in English                                                                       –           Full-time

PhD. Literature in English                                                                       –           Full/Part time

c.     Department of History

M.A. History with specialization in any of the following areas:

M.A. History (Nigerian History – Central Nigeria)                               –           Full-time

M.A. History (African History)                                                        –           Full-time

M.A. History (Economic History)                                                    –           Full-time

M.A. History (Historiography)                                                     –           Full-time

M.A. History (Diplomatic History)                                               –           Full-time PhD History with specialization in any of the following areas:

PhD History (Nigerian History with particular emphasis on Central Nigeria)      Full-time PhD History (African History)                                                          –           Full-time

PhD History (Economic History)                                         –           Full-time

PhD History (Historiography)                                                 –           Full-time

PhD History (Diplomatic History)                                              –           Full-time

PhD History (Cultural History)

d.    Department of Theatre Arts

M.A. Theatre Arts with specialization in any of the following areas:

M.A. Theatre Arts (Theatre for Development)                                  –           Full-time

M.A. Theatre Arts (Theatre Management and Administration)              –           Full-time

M.A. Theatre Arts (Dramatic Theory and Criticism)                           –           Full-time

M.A. Theatre Arts (Directing)                                                        –           Full-time

M.A. Theatre Arts (Media Arts Studies)                                       –           Full-time

M.A. Theatre Arts (Film Studies)                                                  –           Full-time

M.A. Theatre Arts (Theatre Technology)                                   –           Full-time

M.A. Theatre Arts (Theatre in Education)                            –           Full-time

M.A. Theatre Arts (Acting/Voice and Speech Arts)                     –           Full-time

M.A. Theatre Arts (Dance/Choreography)                             –           Full-time

M.A. Theatre Arts (Playwriting)                                              –           Full-time

M.A. Theatre Arts (Theatre History)                                          –           Full-time

M.A. Theatre Arts (Theatre and Cultural Administration)                 –           Full-time

M.A. Theatre Arts (Theatre Innovations)                                      –           Full-time

M.A. Theatre Arts (Costumes/Make-up)                               –           Full-time

M.A. Theatre Arts (Sociology of Drama)                                –           Full-time

M.A. Theatre Arts (Media Arts Studies)                                –           Full-time

M.A. Theatre Arts (Music/Ethnomusicology)                   –           Full-time

M.A. Theatre Arts (Theatre Tourism)                                      –           Full-time

PhD Theatre Arts                                                                –           Full-time


e.     Department of Religion and Cultural Studies

M.A. Religious Studies with specialization in any of the following areas:

M.A. Religious Studies (Old Testament)                                   –           Full-time

M.A. Religious Studies (New Testament)                               –           Full-time

M.A. Religious Studies (African Religion)                               –           Full-time

M.A. Religious Studies (Christian Ethics)                                  –           Full-time

M.A. Religious Studies (Sociology of Religion)                       –           Full-time

M.A. Religious Studies (Comparative Religions)                        –           Full-time PhD Religious Studies with specialization in any of the following areas:

PhD Religious Studies (Old Testament)                               –           Full-time

PhD Religious Studies (New Testament)                              –           Full-time

PhD Religious Studies (African Religion)                              –           Full-time

PhD Religious Studies (Christian Ethics)                              –           Full-time

PhD Religious Studies (Sociology of Religion)                       –           Full-time

PhD Religious Studies (Comparative Religions)                    –           Full-time

Note: For Ph.D in New Testament Studies, candidates must have proficiency in New Testament Greek


f.    Department of Philosophy

M.A. Philosophy with specialization in any of the following areas:

M.A. Philosophy (African Philosophy)                                      –           Full-time

M.A. Philosophy (Epistemology)                                             –           Full-time

M.A. Philosophy (Ethics)                                                        –           Full-time

M.A. Philosophy (Social and Political Philosophy)                      –           Full-time

M.A. Philosophy (Metaphysics)                                                –           Full-time PhD Philosophy with specialization in any of the following areas:

PhD Philosophy (African Philosophy)                                        –           Full-time

PhD Philosophy (Epistemology)                                               –           Full-time

PhD Philosophy (Ethics)                                                          –           Full-time

PhD Philosophy (Social and Political Philosophy)                       –           Full-time

PhD Philosophy (Metaphysics)                                                –           Full-time



  1. Department of Curriculum and Teaching

M.Ed Curriculum and Instruction                                               –           Full-time

M.Ed Language Education                                                       –           Full-time

M.Ed Mathematics Education                                                  –           Full-time

M.Ed Science Education                                                         –           Full-time

M.Ed Social Studies Education                                                –           Full-time

PhD Curriculum and Instruction                                             –           Full-time

PhD Language Education                                                       –           Full-time

PhD Mathematics Education                                                   –           Full-time

PhD Science Education                                                         –           Full-time

PhD Social Studies Education                                              –           Full-time


b.    Department of Educational Foundations

M.Ed Management                                                            –           Full-time

PhD Educational Management                                             –           Full-time

M.Ed Guidance and Counselling                                          –           Full/Part time

PhD Guidance and Counselling                                            –           Full/Part time

Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PGDE)                          –           Full-time

Ph.D Educational Psychology                                              –           Full-time


c.     Department of Library and Information Science

Master in Library and Information Science (MLIS)                       –           Full-time


d.    Department of Vocational and Technical Education

M.Sc. (Ed) Technology Education (Construction)                                   –           Full-time M.Sc. (Ed) Technology Education (Electrical/Electronics)                        –           Full-time M.Sc. (Ed) Technology Education (Mechanical)                                      –           Full-time


e.     Department of Human Kinetics and Physical and Health Education

M.Sc. (Ed) Physical and Health Education                                              –           Full-time

M.Sc. (Ed) Exercise and Sport Science                                                  –           Full-time

M.Sc. (Ed) Sports Management                                                            –           Full-time

PhD (Ed) Physical and Health Education                                                –           Full-time


PhD (Ed) Exercise and Sport Science                                                    –           Full-time

PhD (Ed) Sports Management                                                              –           Full-time



  1. Department of Geography

M.Sc. Environmental Management                                                        –           Full-time M.Sc. Geography with specialization in the following areas:

M.Sc. Geography (Climatology)                                                            –           Full-time M.Sc. Geography (Environmental Resources Management)                     –           Full-time M.Sc. Geography (Geomorphology)                                                      –           Full-time

M.Sc. Geography (Housing Studies)                                                      –           Full-time

M.Sc. Geography (Population Studies)                                                  –           Full-time
M.Sc. Geography (Hydrology and Water Resources)                               –           Full-time

M.Sc. Geography (Rural Geography)                                                     –           Full-time

M.Sc. Geography (Soil Science)                                                            –           Full-time

M.Sc. Geography (Urban Geography)                                                    –           Full-time

M.Sc. Development Studies                                                                 –           Full time

PhD Geography                                                                                   –           Full time


b.    Department of Urban and Regional Planning

Master of Urban and Regional Planning (MURP)                                     –           Full-time

Postgraduate Diploma in Planning Studies (PDPS)                                 –           Full-time

PhD Urban and Regional Planning                                                         –           Full-time



Master of Laws (LL.M)                                                                         –           Full-time

PhD Laws                                                                                           –           Full-time



  1. Department of Accounting

M.Sc. Accounting and Finance                                                   –           Full-time

Master in Public Sector Accounting                                            –           Full-time


PhD Accounting and Finance                                                     –           Full-time

b.    Department of Business Management

Master of Business Administration (MBA) with specialization in the following areas:

MBA (Management)                                                                   –           Full-time

MBA (Banking and Finance)                                                       –           Full-time

MBA (Marketing)                                                                        –           Full-time

MBA (Accounting and Finance)                                                   –           Full-time

Postgraduate Diploma in Management (PGDM)                          –           Full-time

  1. Sc. Management – Full-time

PhD Management                                                                      –           Full-time

PhD Marketing                                                                          –           Full-time



  1. Department of Economics

M.Sc. Economics with specialization in the following areas:

M.Sc. Economics (Development Economics)                             –           Full-time

M.Sc. Economics (Monetary Economics)                                   –           Full-time

M.Sc. Economics (Public Finance)                                             –           Full-time

PhD Economics with specialization in the following areas:

PhD Economics (Economic Theory)                                           –           Full-time

PhD Economics (Applied Economics)                                        –           Full-time

PhD Economics (Industrial Economics)                                      –           Full-time

PhD Economics (International Economics)                                 –           Full-time

PhD Economics (Monetary Economics)                                     –           Full-time

PhD Economics (Public Sector Economics)                               –           Full-time

PhD Economics (Development Economics)                               –           Full-time

PhD Economics (Labour Economics)                                         –           Full-time

PhD Economics (Environmental Economics)                              –           Full-time

PhD Economics (Health Economics)                                          –           Full-time

PhD Economics (Operations Research)                                      –           Full-time

PhD Economics (Energy Economics)                                         –           Full-time

PhD Economics (Economic Planning)                                        –           Full-time

PhD Economics (Mathematical Economics)                                –           Full-time


b.    Department of Political Science

Master of Public Administration (MPA)                                       –           Full-time

M.Sc. Public Administration                                                       –           Full-time

M.Sc. International Relations and Strategic Studies                     –           Full-time

M.A. International Relations and Strategic Studies                       –           Full-time

M.Sc. Political Science                                                              –           Full-time

PhD Political Science                                                                –           Full-time


c.     Department of Psychology

M.Sc. Clinical Psychology                                                         –           Full-time

M.Sc. Industrial/Organizational Psychology                                –           Full-time

Master of Health Management (MHM)                                         –           Full-time

PhD Psychology with specialization in the following areas:

PhD Psychology (Clinical Psychology)                                       –           Full-time PhD Psychology (Industrial/Organizational Psychology)                     –           Full-time PhD Psychology (Health Psychology)                                               –           Full-time


d.    Department of Mass Communication

Postgraduate Diploma in Mass Communication (PGDMC)           –           Full time

M.Sc. Mass Communication with specialization in the following areas:

M.Sc. Mass Communication (Print Media – Newspaper & Magazine) –       Full-time

M.Sc. Mass Communication (Electronic Media (Radio, Television and Film) – Full-time M.Sc. Mass Communication (Public Relations and Advertising)         –           Full-time PhD Mass Communication with specialization in the following areas:

PhD Mass Communication (Print Media Sequence)                     –           Full-time

PhD Mass Communication (Electronic Media Sequence)                  –           Full-time

PhD Mass Communication (Public Relations and Advertising Sequence) – Full-time


e.     Department of Sociology

M.Sc. Sociology with specialization in the following areas:

M.Sc. Sociology (Criminology)                                                  –           Full-time

M.Sc. Sociology (Demography)                                                 –           Full-time

M.Sc. Sociology (Development Sociology)                                –           Full-time

M.Sc. Sociology (Industrial Sociology and Labour Relations)           –       Full-time

M.Sc. Sociology (Medical Sociology)                                          –           Full-time

M.Sc. Sociology (Rural Sociology)                                            –           Full-time

PhD Sociology                                                                         –           Full-time

Master of Gender Studies                                                          –           Full-time



  1. Department of Biological Sciences

M.Sc. Pure and Applied Parasitology                                         –           Full-time

M.Sc. Pure and Applied Entomology                                         –           Full-time

M.Sc. Hydrobiology and Fisheries                                             –           Full-time

M.Sc. Plant Pathology                                                               –           Full-time

M.Sc. Cytogenetic and Plant Breeding                                       –           Full-time

M.Sc. Systematic and Taxonomy                                               –           Full-time

PhD Pure and Applied Parasitology                                           –           Full-time

PhD Pure and Applied Entomology                                            –           Full-time

PhD Hydrobiology and Fisheries                                                –           Full-time

PhD Plant Pathology                                                                 –           Full-time

PhD Cytogenetic and Plant Breeding                                          –           Full-time

PhD Systematic and Taxonomy                                                 –           Full-time


b.    Department of Chemistry

M.Sc. Inorganic Chemistry                                                         –           Full-time

M.Sc. Analytical Chemistry                                                        –           Full-time

M.Sc. Organic Chemistry                                                           –           Full-time

M.Sc. Physical Chemistry                                                          –           Full-time

PhD Analytical/Environmental Chemistry                                     –           Full-time

PhD Inorganic Chemistry                                                           –           Full-time

PhD Organic Chemistry/Natural Products Chemistry                     –           Full-time

PhD Physical Chemistry                                                            –           Full-time


c.     Department of Physics

M.Sc. Radiation and Medical Physics                                         –           Full-time

M.Sc. Electronics and Communications Physics                         –           Full-time

M.Sc. Theoretical Physics                                                          –           Full-time

M.Sc. Atmospheric and Environmental Physics                          –           Full-time

PhD Physics (Radiation and Medical Physics)                            –           Full-time

PhD Physics (Theoretical Physics)                                             –           Full-time

PhD Physics (Atmospheric & Environmental Physics)                   –           Full-time


d.    Department of Mathematics and Computer Science

M.Sc. Mathematics                                                                    –           Full-time

M.Sc. Computer Science                                                           –           Full-time Postgraduate Diploma in Computer Science (PGDCS)                –           Full-time



  1. Department of Physiology

M.Sc. Human Physiology                                                          –           Full-time

PhD Human Physiology                                                             –           Full-time


b.    Department of Anatomy

M.Sc. Human Anatomy                                                              –           Full-time

PhD Human Anatomy                                                                –           Full-time



  1. Applicants must in the first instance, meet the relevant “O” Level requirements for award of Bachelor’s degree of the Benue State University:
    • A credit in English Language is required for all courses;
    • A credit in Mathematics is required for all Science-based courses as well as courses in Management Sciences, Economics, Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Educational Management;
    • A Pass in Mathematics is required for other Social Sciences and non-Science Education Courses, Psychology requires at least a Pass in Biology or Health Science;
    • “O” Level credit Pass in Economics is required for all Management Science courses and Economics;
    • A credit pass in “O” Level Literature in English is required for programmes in the Departments of English, Languages & Linguistics, Theatre Arts and Law, while a Pass in Literature in English is required for Language Education programme;
    • IJMB “O” Level credit Pass in Mathematics and English Language are acceptable in lieu of credit pass at SSC or GCE “O” Level;
    • NCE English major is acceptable in lieu of “O” Level Literature in English;
    • NCE Use of English is acceptable in lieu of “O” Level credit pass in SSC or GCE “O” Level English.
    • In all cases, “A” Level passes supercede “O” Level


ii.     Master’s Degree Programmes (M.Sc., M.A. and M.Ed)

In addition to (i) above, candidates must posses a relevant Bachelor’s degree with a minimum of Second Class Lower Division from Benue State University or any University recognized by the Senate of Benue State University.

  • For M.Sc. Physiology and Anatomy, candidates must posses B.Sc. First Class or Second Class Upper Division or Second Class Lower Division in Physiology of the University or from any other University recognized by the Senate of Benue State
  • Medical graduates of this University or any other University recognized by the Senate of Benue State University, who are fully registered with Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria as
  • For M.Sc. Mathematics and Computer Science, candidates must posses B.Sc. Mathematics or Computer Science respectively of the University or from any other University recognized by the Senate of Benue State University with a minimum CGPA of

3.00. Candidates with Bachelor’s degree in related fields such as Mathematics Education, Statistics, Mathematics/Statistics, Statistics/Computer Science or PGD in Mathematics or related field at a minimum CGPA level of 3.00 may be considered for M.Sc. Mathematics while candidates with Bachelor’s degree in related fields like Mathematics, Physics, Electrical/Electronics Engineering, B.Sc. (Ed) Computer and Information Management or PGD in Computer Science with a minimum CGPA of 3.00 may be considered for M. Sc. Computer Science. Such candidates may be required to make up for any deficiencies by attending appropriate module(s) from the University’s undergraduate programme.


iii.           M. Sc. Management and Master in Public Sector Accounting

  • Minimum of Second Class Lower Division (CGPA of 3.00) with Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration/Management, Accounting, Banking and Finance, Marketing, Management, Economics from recognized
  • Candidates must have attained a satisfactory level of performance in the University’s Admission Test and
  • Candidates with PGDM from recognized Universities and who have passed with a minimum of Upper Credit (CGPA of 3.50) may also be considered for admission provided the University’s matriculation requirements are

In addition, candidates must possess (i) above.


iv.           Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Programmes

In addition to (i and ii) above, candidates must have a good Master’s degree with a CGPA of not less than 3.50 or ‘B’ grade from Benue State University or any University recognized by the Senate of Benue State University.

  • For PhD History, candidates with Master of Philosophy degree may be admitted for the programme, or candidates who do not hold an M.A. in History will be required to take a number of 800 level courses for one academic
  • For PhD programmes in Faculty of Education and in the Department of Business Management in the Faculty of Management Sciences, candidates shall also be required to take written and oral
  • Furthermore, candidates for PhD programmes in the Department of Curriculum and Teaching and Department of Business Management are required to consult the Head of Department as to the availability of supervisors in the areas they wish to specialize before
  • For PhD Law, applications should be accompanied by a research
  • For PhD Physiology and Anatomy, candidates must be fully registered with Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria.


v.             Master of Health Management (MHM)

  • Any degree in Medicine (MBBS and BDS), degree in Pharmacy, and Honours degree in Nursing and other Medical professional
  • Advanced Diploma in Health Management of Benue State University with a minimum of Credit pass average and any other relevant postgraduate diploma/qualifications.

In addition, candidates must possess as in (i) above.


vi.           Master of Business Administration (MBA)

  • Minimum of Second Class Lower Division with Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration/Management, Accounting, Banking and Finance, Marketing, Management and Economics from recognized
  • Candidates must have attained a satisfactory level of performance in the University’s Admission Test and
  • Candidates with PGDM from recognized Universities and who have passed with a minimum of Upper Credit (CGPA of 3.50) may also be considered for admission provided the University’s matriculation requirements are

In addition, candidates must possess as in (i) above.


vii.          Postgraduate Diploma in Planning Studies

The Department provides a 12-month programme leading to the award of Postgraduate Diploma in Planning Studies. Intending applicants are expected to:

  • Posses the University Entry (WASSC or NECOSSC at not more than 2 sittings) requirement of at least 5 credits, which must include English Language and Mathematics and any three subjects from the following: Geography, Chemistry, Biology or Agricultural Science,

Economics, Technical Drawing, OR

  • posses a General Certificate of Education (GCE “O” Level) passes in 5 subjects at credit level and at least a credit in Mathematics and any 2 subjects from the following: Geography, Chemistry, Biology or Agricultural Science, Economics, Technical Drawing, NABTEB NTC and
  • A Bachelor’s degree in any of Geography, Economics, Sociology, Psychology, Estate Management, Building, Architecture, Civil Engineering or Urban and Regional Planning with at least a 3rd Class honours or an HND in Urban and Regional Planning, Architecture or Estate Management with at least credit


viii.         Postgraduate Diploma in Computer Science

The Department provides that a candidate must pursue their studies for not less than 3 semesters and not more than 4 semesters from the date of registration.


  • Candidates must posses basic entry qualification into the undergraduate programme (5 credits which must include English Language and Mathematics).
  • A minimum of Third Class Degree in Computer Science or CGPA 2.00 for Computer Science graduates or Lower Credit for HND
  • Candidates who do not possess degrees or HND in Computer Science but who posses minimum of Second Class Lower degree in Engineering, Architecture, Mathematics, Statistics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Economics and Geography may be admitted into PGD in Computer Science or any other relevant



All programmes begin with Course Work and end at Project for Postgraduate Diplomas or Dissertation and Thesis for Master’s and Ph.D degrees respectively. The duration of Degree/Diploma programmes are as follows:

  • Postgraduate Diploma programmes shall be of one year minimum and two years maximum duration.
  • Master’s Degree programmes shall normally be of one academic year minimum duration for full- time and two years for part-time candidates. The duration shall not normally exceed two years for full-time and three years for part-time
  • Doctorate Degree programmes shall normally be of three years minimum duration for full-time and five years for part-time candidates. The duration shall not exceed five years for full-time and seven years for part-time

NOTE: Applicants must request their previous institutions to forward their Academic Transcript to The Secretary, Postgraduate School, Benue State University, Makurdi. (Transcript to be accompanied with Transcript Request Forms which should be printed from University portal).

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