UNILAG JUPEB/Foundation Entrance Exam Results 2021/2022

University of Lagos (UNILAG) Ranks 1st in Nigeria & 8th in Africa

University of Lagos (UNILAG) Ranks 1st in Nigeria & 8th in Africa.

The University of Lagos has been ranked 1st  in Nigeria and 8th in Africa, by uniRank University Ranking™, the leading international higher education directory and search engine featuring reviews and rankings of over 13,600 officially recognized Universities and Colleges in 200 countries.ranks of Universities

uniRankTM, in a bid to answer the question of “What are the most popular Universities in Africa and Nigeria?”, published the 2020 African University Ranking of the top 200 recognized higher-education institutions in Africa and of 160 Nigerian higher-education institutions in Nigeria respectively.

The ranking was done based on the uniRank’s selection criteria stated below:

  • The University must be officially recognized, licensed and/or accredited by the appropriate higher education-related organization in each country;
  • The University must be officially licensed or authorized to grant at least four-year undergraduate degrees (Bachelor’s Degrees) and/or postgraduate degrees (Master’s and Doctoral Degrees) and
  • The University must provide higher education courses mainly in a traditional face-to-face learning format delivered through on-site facilities.

The aim is to provide a non-academic League Table of the top Universities in Africa based on valid, unbiased and non-influenceable web metrics provided by independent web intelligence sources rather than data submitted by the Universities themselves.

The Vice-Chancellor, Professor Oluwatoyin, T. Ogundipe, FAS, on behalf of the Management, Senate, members of staff and students congratulate the University on this feat.

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