OOU Academic Calendar for 2nd Semester 2020/2021

OOU 28th & 29th Convocation Ceremonies Schedule

OOU 28th & 29th Convocation Ceremonies Schedule for 2017/2018 & 2018/2019 Academic Sessions.

The Vice-Chancellor, Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago-Iwoye, Professor Ganiyu Olatunji Olatunde, on behalf of Senate, Staff, and Students invites the general public to the 28th & 29th Convocation Ceremonies for the award of Higher Degrees, Postgraduate Diplomas, First Degree, Diploma and Certificates.

The Ceremonies have been scheduled for Tuesday 21st to Friday 31st January 2020 at the Main Campus of the University, Ago-Iwoye

OOU Convocation Ceremonies Schedule

Tuesday, 21st – Thursday, 23rd January 2020 PRE CONVOCATION ACTIVITY:
Agricultural & Engineering Show at the open field ICT building, main campus.
10:00am daily
Friday, 24th January, 2020 i. Health Walk
ii. Jumat Service at the University Mosque, Main Campus
iii. Novelty Match at the University Sports Complex

Sunday, 26th January, 2020 Convocation Service at the Chapel of Abundant Life, Main Campus. 10:00am
Monday, 27th January, 2020 Convocation Play: “ENIYAN” by Wale Ogunyemi Performing Arts Pit Theatre 2:00pm
Tuesday, 28th January, 2020 Convocation and Award of Prizes
Faculty of Basic Medical Science
Faculty of Pharmacy
Faculty of Science
College of Health Sciences:
Venue: Otunba Gbenga Daniel Lecture Theatre
Wednesday, 29th January, 2020 Convocation and Award of Prizes
Faculty of Arts
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Law
College of Agricultural Sciences
College of Engineering & Environmental Studies;
Venue: Otunba Gbenga Daniel Lecture Theatre
Thursday 30th January, 2020 Convocation and Award of Prizes
Faculty of Administration & Management Sciences
Faculty of Social Sciences
Venue: Otunba Gbenga Daniel Lecture Theatre
Friday, 31st January, 2020 i. Commissioning of Projects
ii. Convocation Lecture
Topic: “The integrity challenge in Nigerian Higher
Education: Towards Creating a New Normal”
Guest Speaker: Professor Olusola Airinade
The Provost, Anti-Corruption Academy of Nigeria (ACAN)
iii. Convocation and Award Prizes
Award of Postgraduate and Honorary Degrees:
Venue: Otunba Gbenga Daniel Lecture Theatre.


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